Friday, January 29, 2010

Orange Cake


I got the receipe from my french teacher.. very Easy to make & taste delish...

Ingredients :
1 Cup Fresh Orange Juice (approx :1 big Orange )
Orange zest ( from 1 big Orange )
100 gr Flour
100 gr Sugar
100 gr Butter 
2 Eggs
1 sachet levure chemique ( 1 Tbsp baking soda )
1/2 Tbsp Vanila liquid

* Blend well  Sugar + Butter ( about 10 minute )
* add Egg one at the time#
*add orange zest, orange juice
*Add Farine + Baking soda
*Blend all til smooth
* Add Vanilla Liquid at the end
Cook 190C for 30 minute

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Monday, January 25, 2010

Chicken With Oyster Sauce

Ingredients :
* 3 chicken Fillet ( cut in thin slice )
* 1 Egg Plant
* 1 Zuchini
* 1 Red BellPepper
* 1 Onion
* 4 garlic
* 2 Tbsp Oyster sauce
* 1 Tbsp fish sauce
* Salt/Pepper
*2 tbsp Olive oil

Fried the Onion+Garlic, add Chicken fillet until the chicken brownies. Add Eggplant, bell peper, Zuchini.
Add the rest of the sauce + salt/peper

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Perfect salad for claudy day

I never know this kind of vegie till I arrive in France..
" ughh.. Bitter " !!.. that first thing come out from my mouth saying the taste of this vegie.
after while after trying several kind of type of  dish made with Endive, I start to like it a lot. one of my favorite is the Salad Endive, very simple to make, but worthed to made because the compliment is waiting..

Endives are known to be bitter in taste, which makes many people shy away from them — like myself. One little trick is to know where the bitterness comes from. If you think of removing the small cone at the base of the vegetable, you will see that the bitterness significantly diminishes.Typically these vegetables-that-grow-in-the-dark are presented under the form of leaves. I find that cutting them in long sticks makes it more fun to eat them in a salad, as well as easier to present on a plate. For a second, if you do not know what the sticks are, you wonder what they are until you toss one in your mouth. At this point, the endive can no longer fool you as its taste slowly develops, right there. ( I take the statement from the blog of La Tartine

Endive.. here you are on my table

100 gr Mache
1 small Apple
1 Endive

Dressing :
1 Tbsp honey
1/2 tsp mustard
3 Tbsp Apple vinegar
3 Tbsp Olive Oil
3 Tbsp Balsamic Vinegar

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Crepes Aux Banan ( Crepes Pisang )

Biasanya makanan ini pasti tersaji dirumah kami dengan 2 alasan, pertama, jika saya sedang tidak ada ide untuk menu makan malam atau alasan kedua adalah saya sedang tidak mood untuk malas a.k.a "malas masak"(keseringannya sih dgn alasan yg kedua..:))
Biasanya juga Crepes pertama yg tersaji,( untuk mengenyangkan ) saya buatkan crepes asin ( yg ada isinya berupa : telur ceplok+ smoked chicken + taburan keju parut emmentelle/gruyere) dan untuk anak2 cukup dgn potongan ayam asap dgn taburan  keju. Setelah itu baru lah anak-anak boleh membuat/ mengisi crepesnya dgn yg manis2 sesuai dgn selera masing2 ( biasanya dgn coklat Nutela ataupun gula pasir ). Sedangkan  saya, sejak awal mengenal Crepes, Dessert favorite saya yg paling utama adalah Crepes Pisang Lapis Nutela.. Rasanya.. Hmmm.. jangan di tanya deh.. pasti kepengen terus.. hayoo silahkan di coba.. tapi.. kalo timbangan naik.. jangan salahkan saya ya..

Resep untuk buat Crepes

3 telur (eggs)
3/4Cup tepung terigu ( Flour)
1 Cup Susu (Cair) ( milk )
1tbsp Olive oil
1/4 tsp garam (pinch ) ( salt)
Pisang ( secukupnya  1 crepes = 1 pisang) ( banana ripe)

Cara Buat :
Gampang banget..
dalam blender, masukkan telur,susu, oil, garam, tepung terigu lalu tekan tombol untuk mengaduk..
Voila... jadi deh adonan Crepesnya..
dalam loyang/ pengorengan khusus crepes tetesi olive oil sedikit.. tunggu penggorengan panas lalu tuang adonan (tebal/tipis tergantung selera.. tapi biasanya crepes dibuat setipis mungkin)
Setelah agak kecoklatan, crepes di balik kira2 1 menit.. lalu angkat & sajikan ...

** untuk keluarga dgn 2 anak yg sedang tumbuh saya sarankan untuk mendouble resepnya

english : blend all the ingredient in the same time on food procecor/ blender.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

[ Street Food / Jajanan Pasar ] Wingko Babat

Bahan :
400gr Tepung Ketan
400gr Kelapa Kering
1 bungkus Santan Bubuk
300gr Gula
1 bungkus Sucre Vanilla
1 sdt Garam
100 gr Mentega
500Ml Air

Cara Buat :
* Panaskan Oven 170C
* Campur  Tepung, Kelapa, Santan, Gula, Garam, gula Vanilla
* Cairkan mentega, masukkan ke dalam adonan Tepung.
* Masukkan Air sedikit demi sedikit kedalam adonan tepung, aduk hingga rata ( aduk pakai tangan )
* Olesi Cetakan (pyrex) dgn  mentega lalu lapisi dgn kertas kue diatasnya.. olesi lagi kertas kuenya dgn mentega supaya wingko mudah di angkat/tidak lengket.
* Masukkan dalam oven selama 30 menit
* Setelah 30 menit, tabur kelapa kering lagi diatasnya lalu masukkan lagi ke dalam Oven selama 10 menit ( hingga kelapa berwarna ke coklatan )
* Hidangkan ketika dingin (lebih mudah di potong ketika wingko sudah dingin )

Friday, January 15, 2010

Siomay Bandung

Siomay Bandung go public in France

liat resep dari Internet ( tapi lupa dari mana  ).. dilakukan beberapa modifikasi karena beberapa bahan tidak ada ditemukan disini.

Bahan2 yg di Perlukan
250 gr  daging udang (seharusnya ikan tengiri, haluskan)
250 gr daging ayam ( haluskan )
8 sdm   bawang merah halus
4 sdm   bawang putih halus
2 sdt     lada halus
1 sdt     chicken powder (tidak pakai)
3 sdm   gula pasir
3 sdt     garam
1 sdm   minyak wijen
3 btr     telur
400 gr  labu siam, parut kasar, tiriskan ( tidak pakai )
450 gr  sagu tani

Cara membuatnya:
  1. Aduk daging udang/ayam halus dengan bumbu-bumbu halus, tuang telur, aduk rata.
  2. Aduk rata, lalu tuangkan tepung sagu, aduk rata lagi, sisihkan.
  3. Ambil satu lembar kulit siomay, isi dengan adonan ikan, lipat ketas, rapikan bentuk wiron. Taruh diatas loyang yg sudah dipoles minyak, kukus 20 menit.
  4. Rebus kentang ½ matang, kupas kulitnya, belah dua. Kerat-kerat bagian yg rata, beri adonan ikan. Kukus
  5. Potong pare, buang bijinya, isi dengan adonan ikan. Kukus 30 menit.( saya tidak pakai Pare, karena harga pare disini mahal )
  6. Potong kotak tahu, goreng sebentar, kerat-kerat dengan gapru salah satu sisinya, tempelkan adonan isi . Kukus 30 menit.
  7. Telur rebus belas dua, tempeli dengan adonan isi.

Pangsit Goreng

Salah satu “anggota pelengkap ”  Siomay Bandung  yang rasanya tidak lengkap tanpa makanan gurih renyah ini. disajikan bersama tahu isi, kentang isi dan kol rebus dengan siraman kuah bumbu kacang pedes ... saya yakin anda serasa di negri sendiri.

2 bungkus         kulit pangsit siap beli ( 1 bungkkus isinya 40 lembar )
150  gr       daging Ayam giling
100  gr       daging Ikan , (seharusnya ikan tenggiri, tapi karena di sini tidak ada saya pakai ikan pengganti, dihaluskan)
100  ml       air
40  gr         tepung sagu
40  gr         tepung terigu
1 sdm         daun Bawang Kecil ,iris halus
Minyak goreng secukupnya.

Bumbu halus:
1 sdtg        garam
½  sdt        lada
½   sdt       kaldu bubuk
1 sdt          gula
5 pcs          bawang putih
2 sdmb        bawang merah halus
Cara membuat:
  1. Aduk rata daging ikan, ayam dan air . Tambahkan bumbu dan aduk rata. masukkan sagu dan terigu, aduk rata, tambahkan irisan daun bawang. Aduk rata lagi, sisihkan.
  2. Bentangkan kulit pangsit bentuk kotak, beri 1 sdt adonan dibagian tengah, lipat hingga adonan tertutup dan bentuk segita, lalu lipat lagi hingga bentuknya mirip pita. Lakukan hingga adonan habis.
  3. Goreng dalam minyak banyak yang sudah panas dengan api sedang hingga kuning kecoklatan.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


" I want the Pancake for my breakfast " my youngest son told me as soon as he get up from bed. Of course the oldest & my hubby follow the idea of the youngest .. That's easy because I always love making a Pancake or Waffle as a tradition for week end breakfast in our family. So I agree to please my little family request beside that  it would not take long to prepare them, and then, it would combine many of the components of topping. I love in Mapple syrop , nutella. or confection/snow sugar

Monday, January 11, 2010

Monday, January 4, 2010


5 Kentang
2 sdm Ketumbar
150gr daging cincang
4 bawang putih
3 pcs daun bawang
2 kuning telur
( putih telur disimpan untuk lapis sebelum di goreng )
Garam/ lada

cara buat..

* Kupas kulit kentang, potong2 & goreng dgn minyak panas, angkat jika sudah matang. sisihkan dalam mangkok & hancurkan dgn sendok kayu. Masukkan Kuning telur kedalamnya.
* Gunakan minyak bekas goreng kentang untuk menggoreng daging cincang.
* Masukkan bawang putih & ketumbar halus, daun bawang, lada & Garam.
* Bentuk sesuai keinginan lalu goreng hingga masak.
* sajikan dgn cabe segar atau sebagai pelengkap hidangan.

Bienvenue 2010

Snow in Toulouse is Rare.. specially when the snow as thick as it get like the picture i was taken last month..upps.. last year 2009!!!
Yep is the year already change...  Bienvenue 2010

Blanquette de Veau for New year eve dinner

While I still enjoying the view in front of me & reading a book, my mother in law asked me a question "what to prepare for new year eve dinner" !
I have no clue what to make.
My mother in law already purpose to make Escargot; Foei Gras for the apperitif and Pomme au tart as a dessert after fromage.
'How about Blanquette' suddenly she suggest an idea. Without thinking much, I agree with her Idea. So deal with Blanquette. But, honestly, I'm a bit panic, b'cos I'm kinda forget some ingredient of the recipe, but thank to the net, I can figure it out easily).
I always knew that after the big meal of new year eve plus tipsy b'cos of good Champagne & Wine, there is no way I can think of cooking at the next day. So I make sure to prepare a large pot of Blanquette so that I could use what was left the next day.

here is the ingredients;
* 1.400 g d'épaule de veau
* 5 l'ail
* 2 Shallots
* 3 Pomme de terre ( Optional )
* 1 gros oignon piqué de 2 clous de girofle
* 5 Carotte
* 1 poireau
* 1 branches de céleri
* 1 bouquet garni (thyme/laurier)
* 20 cl de vin blanc sec
* 2 petits oignons grelot (ou oignons blancs nouveaux)
* 50 g de beurre
* 250 g de tout petits champignons de couche (de Paris)
* 2 c. à soupe de jus de citron
* 3 jaunes d'oeufs
* 150 g de crème fraîche épaisse
* 3 pincées de noix de muscade
* sel, poivre du moulin


Coupez la viande en morceaux, pelez l'oignon et piquez-le des clous de girofle. Pelez la carotte, nettoyez le poireau et lavez-le avec le céleri; liez-les ensemble. Mettez le tout dans la cocotte avec le bouquet garni, versez le vin et couvrez juste d'eau; portez à ébullition et écumez pendant les 10 premières minutes puis salez, poivrez et laissez cuire à feu doux et à couvert pendant 2 heures.

45 min avant la fin de la cuisson du veau, pelez les oignons grelot et mettez-les dans une sauteuse avec 25 g de beurre, couvrez d'eau à fleur et laissez cuire 30 min à très léger frémissement jusqu'à ce que l'eau soit évaporée et les oignons blonds. Coupez la partie terreuse du pied des champignons et lavez-les rapidement sous l'eau courante. Faites fondre le reste de beurre dans une poêle antiadhésive et ajoutez les champignons et une cuillère à soupe de jus de citron; faites cuire à feu vif en mélangeant jusqu'à ce que les champignons soient dorés. Mélangez champignons et oignons dans un grand plat creux, couvrez et gardez au chaud sur un bain-marie.

Au bout des 2 heures de cuisson de la viande, retirez-la de la cocotte avec une écumoire et ajoutez-la aux légumes.

Filtrez le jus de cuisson dans une grande casserole et faites-le réduire à feu vif jusqu'à ce qu'il en reste ¼ de l.

Battez les jaunes d'oeufs dans un saladier et incorporez la crème, salez, poivrez, muscadez.

Lorsque le jus de cuisson est réduit, baissez le feu au minimum et versez-en 1 c. à soupe dans le mélange aux oeufs en mélangeant vivement au fouet puis versez dans la casserole en filet, en fouettant constamment et sans laisser bouillir. Puis ajoutez la seconde cuillerée de jus de citron; battez encore 10 secondes et retirez du feu. Nappez la viande et les légumes de sauce et servez de suite.

Translate in English
Cut the meat into pieces, peel the onion and pierce the cloves. Peel the carrot, wash the leek and celery, bind them together. Put everything into the pot with the herbs (bouquet garni) and pour the wine and just cover with water bring to a boil and skim for the first 10 minutes then add salt and pepper and cook over low heat and covered for 2 hours.

45 min before the end of cooking veal, peel the onions and put them in a pan with 25g butter, cover with water in flower and cook 30 minutes with very slight tremor until the water evaporates and the onions golden. Cut the foot part of the earthy mushrooms and wash them quickly under running water. Melt the remaining butter in a nonstick skillet and add mushrooms and a tablespoon of lemon juice, cook over high heat, stirring until mushrooms are golden. Combine mushrooms and onions in a large bowl, cover and keep warm in a bain-marie.

After 2 hours of cooking meat, remove the pan with a slotted spoon and add to vegetables.

Strain the cooking juices in a large saucepan and reduce it over high heat until it is ¼ l.

Beat the egg yolks in a bowl and add cream, salt, pepper, nutmeg.

When the liquid is reduced, lower the heat to low and pour in 1 tbsp soup into egg mixture and whisk slowly then pour into the pan, whisking constantly and without boiling. Then add the second tablespoon of lemon juice, beat another 10 seconds and remove from heat. Spoon meat and vegetable sauce and serve immediately.

my Way cooking :
* Cut the meat into pieces, peel the onion and pierce the cloves. Peel the carrot, leek clean and wash it with celery, bind them together.
* peel the Onions/Shallots/Garlic and put them in a Big Pan when the Olive oil hot, add veal, add Wine, Clove, salt, Pepper, cellery,lemon juice, all the herbs. Cook about 1 Hour.
* Add Carrote, Potatoes to big pan & cover it.
* in another frying pan, put butter till melted, add mushrom.. add to the big pan.
* Beat the egg yolks in a bowl and add cream, salt, pepper, nutmeg
* 15 minute before the food is ready to cooked, add the egg yolks beat to big Pan, stir until mixed well.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year 2010

Happy New year 2010 !!!
New promise to be a better person.. Uppsss.. my hubby just came & saw what  I just wrote.. He told me, That is Imposible for me to keep the promise!!!  b'cos I already Good enough to be a person  )
Anyway.. wish you all the best guys!!!!