Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Colors of Toulouse

Since a vacation school for the boys & got a visit from my parents in law, my hubby take a 2 days off from work. It was nice & relaxing to be surounding with someone we care & love.
After lunch &  finishing the clean up, by  3:00 pm, the sun already starts to show off, I started to put a warm clothing to the boys because I know this is still winter time ( meaning 'Cold " ), and we still keep on the plan to do the walking along the Canal du Midi, Toulouse.
When we arrive by mid-afternoon at the metro station downtown, it is already full of people and no wonder.. the weather even nicer here. I let the boys to open the buttons of their Jacket..

“Il fait beau,” my mother in law  tells me repeated ( Consider at their place, temperature still minus 5 & sometime snowing ) .
At this time of year, everyone  would love to enjoy the warm sunny day along the Garone ” she continues when she saw so many people sitting in the edge of the canal. “Im sure in the summer, the ambiance in the Garone is completely different, with people everywhere.

Walking along the canal is my hubby idea. I thank him for that (of course!!, because  I got some nice shot along Canal during the walking )

Maybe because of the warm sun, I got the feeling that everyone is so over-the-top friendly .. we sat  next to the bench & listen to young people play some music . I guess they just love to get a nice change of weather today.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Cassoulet sans Facon [Casoulet de Canard ]

I love French Cuisine because everything just as simple as it gets. You just need 15- 20 minute the preparation after that.. leave it alone 'til  cook or tender.
I use Iron pan ( as tipical french cuisiner always did for long slow cook )

Pour 6 personnes ;

500 gr Haricot Blanc ( I used the White Bean Canned it's easy so you don't hv to do the preparation  before )
50 gr Saindouc ( Duck Fat,  I didn't use )
1 kg  Cuisse de Canard (4 pcs of leg duck )
500 gr d'epoule d'agnew ( young lamb )
500 gr de veau ( on the original receipe usually they put collier du porc )
200 gr de lard de poitrine sale ( I didn't use it )
4 Oignons ( I put only 2 pcs of Onion)
2 gousses d'ail ( 2 garlic)
Bouquet garni ( Thyme, Persil, Oregano, laurie/bay leaf .==>  I use those bouquet from my garden )
2 ou 3 Tomates ( 3 Peeled tomates )
1 saucisson a l'ail ( I didn't use )
250 gr de couenne ( I didn't use )
Capelure ( I forgot to put it)
Sel, Poivre
2 cubes du Bouillon ( I add this for my own creation it's come out pretty delish)

Mettez les haricots dans un grand fait -tout. Recouvrez-les d'eau froide non salee. Portez a ebullition. Laisses bouillir 15 minute ( 5 minute a l'autocuiseur )
Egouttz. Remetteez -les dans le meme recipient. Emplisses d'eau bouillante. Couvrez et laissez cuire 45 min. ( 15 min a l'autocuiseur ). Salez a mi-cuisson, (this is what I called preparation of the haricot blanc...too long!!)
Faitez dorer tout les viandes.
Hachez les oignons et l'ail.
Ajoutez-les aux viandes ainsi que les tomates epluchees et epepinees. La counne coupee en des. le bouquet garni,poivre, un peu de sel
Egouttez bien les Haricots, Remettez-les dans la cocotte avec les viandes et tout leurs ingredients. Le saucisson a l'ail et le lard de poitrine coupes. Laisses mijoter ensemble 1h30 environ ( 30 minute a l'autocuiseur )
Versez le tout dans un plat a gratin. Soupoudrez de chapelure. Faites gratiner sous le gril.

English Version :0
  • Instead of doing the long way preparation of White bean, I suggested to use White Bean Canned. easy & simple.
  • In a Iron Cast ( french heavy pan ), put olive oil, brownies all the Meat one by one ( The lamb, veal, Duck/Chicken ) remove from the pan. Keep them on the side..
  • Still use the oil from frying the meat,  add onion & garlic ( Already  chopped/slice in thin slice) , mix together the meat, White Bean, peel tomatoes (chopped ), all the herbs, Salt, Pepper & bouillon ( beef broth ).
  • Cook for 1 hour 30 Minutes in low fire with water on top of the iron cast
  • Preheat the oven at 350 F.
  • 10 min before the end of the cooking time,
  • Add the bread crumb on top of the dish ( you can put the iron cast in the oven)
  • Place the dish ( Iron Cast ) in the Oven with Grilled  about 10 minute or until the crumb turn dark brownies )

Translate in Bahasa Indonesia
Panaskan minyak lalu goreng semua bahan daging hingga agak kecoklatan hingga rata ( sekitar 5-10 menit )

Angkat semua daging lalu masukkan irisan kedua bawang ( kalau saya, karena ada yg tidak suka dgn bawang kasar,  bawangnya saya blender halus ) setelah bawang harum, masukkan kembali semua daging berikut white bean , tomat tanpa kulit yg sudah di potong kecil2, daun2an, garam , lada & Buillon de boeuf. Tutup panci & masak dgn api kecil selama 1jam 30  menit.
Angkat dari Kompor, taburi bread crumb diatasnya & masukkan dalam Oven dgn posisi Grilled ( saya tidak melakukan step terakhir )

Friday, February 19, 2010

Verrine speculoos, Nutella et Fromage blanc

250 de fromage blanc
40 gr sucre
1 paquet de speculoos
1 petit de Nutela

Preparation :

Au Fond de chaque verrine, mettre les speculoos ecrases grossierement.
Mettre au dessus le Nutella en couche ( ne Pas hesiter a mettre un peu le pot de nutella au micro-onde en basse puissance si la pate est trop dure )
Sucrer le fromage blance et le verser sur la couche de Nutella .
Mettre ay frais au moins 1h avant de deguster.
Saupoudrer de cacao avant de servir.

Verrines avocats et Surimi Saumon

Beberapa hari yg lalu saya sempat terpesona ( lebay banget ga seh..memang saya orangnya gampang banget terpesona..hihii ) melihat buku resep yg menampilkan gelas2 mungil berisi aneka macam hidangan untuk hidangan pembuka ( Aperitif snack )..
Seperti biasa di daerah tempat tinggal saya, setiap kali musim libur sekolah anak2.. selalu saja ada kegiatan yg mengikut sertakan si anak & orangtua.
Ketika saya mendaftarkan diri, saya tidak menyadari bahwa acara kreatifitas ini juga mengikutsertakan si anak. Well karena anak saya sedang liburan ski, jadilah saya pergi sendirian. Tiba di tempat tujuan.. suara ramai dgn suara anak2 yg excited melebur alpukat, memotong tomat  kecil-kecil hingga tahap penyelesaian kreatifitas pertama ( Yep, saya datang terlambat beberapa menit tapi kegiatan sudah seperti berlangsung lama ). Setelah buru2 menurunkan semua peralatan. Saya mencoba meng chatch-up ketinggalan saya. Dan ternyata  saya bisa. Malah menurut saya lebih cepat daripada biasanya karena tidak ada tangan2 mungil dan pertanyaan2 yg menuntut perhatian seperti biasanya dari bocah ingin tahu seperti anak2 saya.

Resep & Bahannya juga tidak terlalu susah..
3 Avocats Murs ( Alpukat masak )
1 Citron ( Jeruk nipis )
20 Cl creme fraiche ( cream kental  yg hanya di pakai sebanyak 3 sendok makan )
1 petit paquet de surimi ( saumon/Salmon )
2 Tomates ( Tomat ukuran sedang )
Sel ( Garam )
Poivre ( lada )
* gelas kecil ( 6 buah )

Dan un saladier, ecraser les avocats, ajouter le jus du citron ( suivant votre gout ne pas mettre tout le jus ) et un peu de creame fraiche, pour obtenir une puree. Saler, poivrer.
Deposer un peu de pureee d'avocat dans chacun des verrines.
Couper en petit des les tomates, puis en deposer une peite quantite sur l'avocat.
Couper en petites rondelles les batonnets de surimi et les metttre sur les tomates ( garder un marceau de surimi pour chacune des verrines.)
Mettre le reste de la puree d'avocat dans les verrines, puis les tomates et ajouter une rondelles de surimi sur le dessus pour la decoration.
reserver au frais.

Translate :)
dalam wadah ( mangkok ), lumatkan isi alpukat ( tergantung selera, mau yg halus apa kasar .. saya lebih suka agak2 tidak terlalu halus). Potong jeruk nipis setengahnya & tetesi alpukat tsb ( supaya tidak berubah warna menjadi hitam ). aduk rata.

Masukkan ke dalam gelas2 secara merata di tiap gelas2 yg dibutuhkan.
Potong tomat dalam bentuk kotak2 kecil  lalu masukkan ke dalam gelas kecil tsb ( diatas alpukat )
Masukkan lagi Alpukat kedalam gelas kecil ( diatas tomat )
Potong bulat surimi salmon , masukkan ke dalam gelas kecil ( diatas alpukat )

* ikutin semua step by step untuk sisa gelas lainnya.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Fruit Basket_ Orange ( for SLF )

Fruit Basket - Orange

Sleeping Beauty

I never get tired to take a shot of one of my friend daughter baby girl.. she's so adorable..

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Double Chocolate Chip Cookies

 My Oldest son ask me If I can make him Dark chocolate chip Cookies.. Of course I can do that!!

Monday, February 8, 2010

[ West Sumatra Cuisine ] Beef Rendang

West Sumatra Indonesia
● 2 kg beef Bourgoignon –  remove all the fat
● 10 pcs shallot *
● 5 pcs garlic *
● 3 cm fresh ginger *
● 2 pcs red small chilies*
● 4 cm fresh galangal
● 1 Tbsp coriander seeds*
● 1 tsp nutmeg*
● 1 tsp tamarind paste *
● salt, pepper, palm sugar to taste
● 2 pcs lemon grass,cut thin the white stalks
** Process all ingredients into a smooth paste
● 3 pcs star anise
● 2 cm cinnamon stick
● 5-7 pcs  lime leaves
● 2 pcs lemon grass, bruised the rest of stalks ( The white stalks put it on the blender)
● 2 Salam leaves
● 2 pcs bay leave
● 3 cups of thick coconut milk
(I use 2 canned of coconut milk)

Additional seasoning:
● 5 tbsp toasted coconut meat – I used dried coconut meat already shreded
● 1 shallot – smoothly cut thinly
** fried both ingredients with n o oil in small fire ( in Indonesia we called 'Sangrai' after turning brown we called Serundeng )

Cooking Directions:
1. Cook the ground/smooth ingredient (all spice with *) until the oil come out from the spice & smell good.. add the  beef in ground ingredients + a cup of coconut milk in low heat until tender.
2. Once it’s properly cooked, add another canned coconut milk. Then add the leafy ingredients & the rest ingredients
3. If using fresh coconut milk, keep stirring until gravy thickens
4. Add additional seasoning upon serving ( sometime I add 1 sachet bumbu rendang cap Bamboe )
5. You can keep on cooking until it turns dark, or the one I prefer is just beautifully reddish-yellow almost dry but not so. ( usually I cooked for about 5 hours )

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Nasi Goreng

Everyone knows that this Dish are well known as a left over from rice & some other stuff you might think of to reheat. It's also look like Jambalaya type kind of dish.

I love to make this dish because easy to make & taste delish..


1 plate of Rice
1 Egg
1 Shallot
3 garlic
2 tbsp Oyster sauce
1 tbsp Kecap Cap Bango ( sweet soja Kechup )
Salt/ Peper
2 tbsp vegie Oil for Fried
Shrimph/ Anchovy's ( Optional )


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Semisweet Chocolate Chips Cookies

This dish is one of my kids ( ofcourse not to forgot my hubby ) Favorite snack.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Green Lentilles with Sausage de Toulouse

One of my boy asking me tha he wanted 'Sausage de Toulouse like he eat  at his cantine the other day for the dinner.
Well, I can't say No for his request ( since he's a picky eater) ..I don't mind to make what he long as he eat. He promised me he will EAT. Let see!!!...
here is the receipe that I use to cook :

Ingredients :
 400 gr Sausage de Toulouse ( you can also replace the sausages with veal )
350 gr Green Lentilles
1 big Onion ( sliced thin )
1 carot ( medium size ), peeled and sliced
2 clove
2 garlic ( *don't peeled the skin )
1 bouillon de beef  ( 1 canned of beef broth)
2 bay leave
3 branches of parsley + more to serve
springkle thyme
Salt + Peper
4 cups cold waters

Steps :
  • In a pressure cooker,  heat two tablespoons olive oil over medium heat. When warm, add the Onion,  and thyme and sweat for 4 minutes, stirring and without browning.
  • Add the garlic and continue to cook for 1 minute.
  • Add the sausage and cook, stirring, for 5  minutes
  • Add the lentils, carrot, parsley twigs, bay leaves, water and Bouillon de beef ( beef stock). Bring to a simmer and season with salt and  pepper. Cover  for 23 minutes, or until the vegetables are soft. Keep warm.* ( I use pressure cooker to make it fast )
  • Add a dash of paprika and freshly chopped parsly. Serve without waiting.

Landscape at Plateau de Beille

Plateau de Beille, France

Monday, February 1, 2010

[ Street Food/ Jajanan Pasar ] Kue Apem Kukus

150grm gula merah
175ml air kelapa ( * kalau tidak ada...bisa juga di ganti  dgn air buah selasih kalengan )
1 lembar daun pandan
150gram tepung beras
100gram tepung terigu
1/2 sdt ragi instant ( saya pakai 1 sdt )
180ml santan dari 1/2 butir kelapa
1/2 sdt garam
1 sdt bumbu spekuk (saya ga pakai)
1 sdt baking powder

Bahan taburan (kukus 15enit):
100gram kelapa parut kasar
1/4 sdt garam
1 lembar daun pandan

1. Rebus gula merah, air kelapa dan daun pandan sambil diaduk sampai gula larut, Saring. Ukur 225ml air gula dan biarkan hangat.

2. Dalam baskom, masukkan semua bahan kering spt tepung beras, tepung terigu, ragi, baking soda,garam.

3 Tuang sedikit demi sedikit air gula jawa yg masih hangat ke tepung beras sambil di uleni sampai lembut.

4. Setelah masukkan santan sambil dikocok dengan kecepatan rendah selama 15 menit.

5. Diamkan selama 30menit. tutup dgn plastik

6. Panaskan kukusan lalu tuang adonan dalam cetakan kecil yg sdh di panaskan selama 5menit.

7. Kukus selama 30menit diatas api besar sampai matang.( tanda kue matang bisa di lihat dgn terbelahnya bagian tengah kue )