Sunday, December 19, 2010

Coq Au Vin Chambert

One of a good thing living in France is you can find  & make a Fine easy delicious dish without spending too much euro from your pocket. I can prove it because my hubby who's barely go to the kitchen except doing the crepes can make the dish with the result is marvelous, although the process is a bit tedious with lots of pots and pans needed that need to be washed at the end. But it's absolutely worth the effort.


1 Coq coupé en morceaux ( +/- 3kg / coq)  (I used 14 lovely pcs legs & the other parts of the chickens except the head)
40 gr de beurre ( 40 gr butter)
100 gr de couenne ( porc fat skin, I didn't use this part instead I replace with  2 tbsp duck oil/fat)
1 cuil á soupe de farine (  I use 2 Tbsp flour )
1 verre áliquer de cognac ( 1 glass of cognac )
1 cuil a soupe de concentré de tomates ( 1 tbsp of tomates paste)
125 gr de lard de poitrine
250 g de champignons
Persil ( Parsley, Chopped curly parsley, to serve
sel poivre
3 Carotte
1 Oignon frais

1 bouteille de vin chambert ( any red wine would be ok )
2 cuil á soupe d'huille  ( 2 tbsp Olive oil )
1 oignon ( Onion, sliced )
1 petite carotte ( coupe en morceaux )
2 échalotes (3 eschalots, sliced )
3 gousses d'ail ( 3 cloves garlic, crushed)
bouquet farni ( romarin/rosmary, thyme,8 laurie/bay leaves )
3 clou de girofle ( 3 pcs
3 grains de poivre ( 3black peppercorn )

Pour La marinade
1.mettez les morceaux de coq avec les ingredients de la marinade dans un recipient pas trop grand pour qu ils soient recouvert ( combine all ingredients in a large stainless steel bowl.
( Add chicken, combine well, cover with plastic/ the cover & leave in the fridge overnight (minimum 6 hr would be ok too )

le jour méme, egoutez sé[arement la viande et les aromates. Conservez la marinade.
(Remove chicken from marinade and pat dry with paper towel. Strain marinade into a saucepan, reserving solids, and bring to the boil, then strain through a fine sieve into a bowl. )

Dans un cocotte . fates chauffer 40 gr de beurre et la couenne coupée en morceaux. Metes la volaille ( sauf le foie ) á dorer de toutes parts.
Heat a large casserole over medium heat, then add meat and cook, stirring occasionally, for 8 minutes or until fat renders and speck is golden

Ajoutez alor les aromates de la marinade.
Drain on paper towel. In the same casserole, brown the chicken, in 2 batches, for 4 minutes each side, then remove from casserole

Soupoudrez le farine. Melangez arrosez de cognac. portez a ebuillition. faites flamber sur le leu. Louillez avec la marrinade passée. 1 verre d'eau. le concetre de tomates. salez, poivrez. couvrez . laissez mijoter de 1h30 - 2h.
Discard all but 2 tbsp fat. Add reserved solids and crushed garlic to casserole and stir occasionally for 8 minutes. Add brandy and carefully ignite with a match, then stir in flour. gradually add strained marinade, then return chicken to the casserole and bring to a simmer. Reduce heat to low-medium, cover and cook for 1 1/2 hours or 2 hours , until chicken is very tender.
faites fondre le lard coupe en des sur feu doux et faites sauter les champignons coupes en lamelles
Deposez les morceaux de coq dan un plat ainsi que les champignons et les lardons. Si la sauce est trop liquide faites la reduite sur feu vif. Retirez de feu aussitót et versez dans le plat. persemez de persil hache avant de servir avec des pommes de terre ou des nouilles plates.
 Meanwhile, in a pan that will hold onions in a single layer, place onions,20 g butter, 125 ml (1/2 cup) water and a large pinch of salt. Bring to the boil over high heat, then reduce heat to low and simmer for 10 minutes or until liquid is nearly evaporated and syrupy. Cook for a further 5 minutes or until syrup is caramelised and onions are lightly golden.
Heat remaining 30 g butter and oil in a large frying pan over high heat. Add mushrooms and cook, tossing, for 3 minutes or until golden. Season.
To serve, with potatoes or noddle , with parsley on top. 

receipe from Francoise Bernards  ( addjus a bit by me )

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