Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sate Lilit Bali

I just eat this Satay yesterday, it was delicious!!!
so I ask my friend for the recipe, and here they are.

Ingredients :
* 500 gr Chicken Fillet ( Ayam 500 gram)
* 5 Tbsp shredded coconut (kelapa parut 5 sendok makan penuh)

Spice for blend  ( bumbu halus ) :
4 clove Garlic bawang putih 4 siung
2 Shallots ( bawang merah)
2 cm kencur
2 cm kunyit ( 1/2 tsp tumeric )
3 Candle nut ( kemiri )
1 Tbsp Coriander (ketumbar)
Pepper (merica)
Salt (garam)


Blend  well all the ingredients
Blend the Chicken fillet
Mixed well the ingredient and ground chicken  and put a side about 15 minute
add to the bamboo skewer and ready to put in the oven
(cincang ayam, haluskan semua bumbu campur hingga rata siap untuk dibakar)