Thursday, December 22, 2011

Foei Gras façon Lulu

I always love when the holiday season around Christmas finally come. That's mean the time for preparing the gift and find a recipe that would perfect to try on. Honestly is tiring but in the same time I enjoy it, a lot. 
I have been sick since last week, thanks God it get better now, maybe because of the exciting vibre of Christmas, The rich and fancy cooking, the glitter of the Christmas tree deco, the ambiance.. all is round up.. May be that's it make my body get recovery soon.

I really want to made a Foei gras since I've been crazy about this delish food from the first time I try on. but there is no way I made this delish food in State. It has agains their nature to eat foei gras!! ( kidding!!) I have been trying many recipe before. And I find out that my mother in law recipe is better than the other. Easy to follow and taste great.  In Fact I always love trying something new / simple but taste great. So, here is the secret to make a simple foei gras, which is does not required special trick, fussy tips or the longer timing of preparations and this recipe is a perfect as all I want.

Le Foei Gras façon Lulu


    450 gr Fresh Foei Gras ( fresh duck liver )
    1 Tablespoon Porto
1 Tablespoon Cognac
1 teaspoon Salt
    1/2 teaspoon Pepper
Fresh or confit Figue ( optional )
* Detail Cuison *
Preparation 10 minutes   
Marinade 6 hours
Cuisson : 1 hour with temperature 90°C ( thermostat 3 )
    cooling : 24 hours in the fridge

For Marinade : pour Salt,Pepper, Porto, Cognac on top of the liver, mixed well, cover with plastic wrap and put it in the fridge for 6 hour

After done 6 hour marinade , remove the cover and start  tapping the foei grass ( press gently and tied to the terrine ) 
Put the Figue in the middle of the foei gras ( optional , you can add any kind of flavor/taste )
Preheat oven to 90°C. 
Grease the line of the edge of the terrine with dough (mixed :flour + water to get thick dough so there is no air coming inside the terrine during the cuisson) 
Place the terrine in the Bain marie ( with water half of the terrine )
Cooked for  1 hour
Remove from oven and set aside to cool 
(Leave it in the bain marie)
when is cooling , put it in the fridge for 24 hr before serving