Tuesday, February 4, 2014




240 gr  Beras ketan
240 ml santan
120 gr gula
2 telur
2 sendok makan tepung terigu
160 ml santan
2 drop of pandan paste 

Cara buat :
 Panaskan air dalam panci kukusan 
* Adonan pertama :
Cuci bersih  beras ketan, masak dalam panci berikut santan, aduk dgn sendok kayu hingga 3/4 masak lalu matikan api, sisihkan
lapisi loyang stenless steel dgn minyak sayur
taruh ketan beras yg sudah jadi di dalamnya, masukkan ke dalam panci kukusan, biar kan beras ketan masak
* Adonan kedua :
* siapkan panci untuk mengaduk rata gula dan telur 
* Masukkan tepung terigu, lalu masukkan santan, dan pandan paste, aduk hingga rata

* Angkat loyang tepung beras dari panci kukusan
* Masukkan adonan pertama ke dalam loyang stainlist steel yg sudah di lumuri minyak sayur ( supaya ketan tidak lengket ) tekan / padatkan ketan dgn sendok kayu / spatula, lalu tuang adonan kedua yg sudah bercampur dgn pandan paste
* Masukkan lagi loyang kedalam panci kukusan ( tutup pancinya di alasi dgn kain ), masak sekitar 20 menit
Selamat mencoba 

English version

Ingredients :
First Layer  :
240 gr  sticky rice / riz gluant ( I use rice measurement cup )
200ml Coconut milk
Pinch of Salt
Second Layer :
200  ml Coconut milk
2 Eggs
120 gr Sugar
2 Tbsp flour
1/4 tsp pandan essence for color
Drop of Vegetable oil

How To make :
* do the first layer
* Steam the rice with 200ml coconut milk n add pinch of salt
* while waiting the rice cooked, prepared the second layer.
* in a bowl, mixed well Egg n sugar, add Flour, then coconut milk , pandan paste essence.
* greas the thin with vegie oil, pour the steam rice and push with wooden spoon to make the second layer coating can't get through.
* Pour the second layer on top of the sticky rice
* Cooked ( steamed ) about 20-25 minutes ( Cover the top of the pan with kitchen towel )


Anonymous said...

Damn, finger licking good!
thx to you i found another lips smacking delicious indian dish for my homemade garam masala, it's been a while that i'm not using it.....
btw, i suggest you to put some watermark of the photograph, there's so many thief in this world!
trust me you won't regret it mbak!

Anonymous said...

sorry, iit's my mistakes..
i thought i'm making thiscomment for Indian Murgh Makhani or butter chicken then....