Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Wingko Babat

Ingredients :
 400 gr Flour / Tepung  Beras Ketan ( Farine Riz  Gluant )
400 gr Dried Coconut
50 gr Coconut milk powder  ( 1 sachet )
350 - 400 gr Sugar( I only use 350 gr of Sugar)
7.5 gr Vanila Sugar / Gula Vanila ( 1 sachet )
1 sdt Salt / garam
100 gr Margarine ( butter )... *I use Margarine
500 ml Water/Air
How to make it

Mixed all the ingredient Flour,dried Coconut, vanila sugar, salt, 
Add the Margarine/butter during the mixing, add Water ..Mixed well until   the dough well consisted. stirs with hand or wooden spoon ... put it aside.

Method : 

1. butterize the wax paper in pyrex pan, put the dough and cooked in the oven for 1 hour with 170C.

2. When the dough start to be brownies, remove from the oven and flip it  

3. Add the  dried coconut on top and put it back to the oven for 5 minutes.
Remove from heat and let it cooling before you cut.

Translate in bahasa Indonesia :

400 gr Tepung  Beras Ketan ( Farine Riz  Gluant )
400 gr Kelapa Kering
50 gr Santan bubuk ( 1 sachet )
350 - 400 gr Gula .... saya pakai 350 gr
7.5 gr Gula Vanila ( 1 sachet )
1 sdt garam
100 gr Margarine ( butter )... *saya pakai margarine
500 ml Air

Panaskan oven 170C
Campur tepung, kelapa, santan bubuk, gula Vanila, garam
Masukkan Margarine yg sudah di cairkan kedalam adonan lalu aduk sampai rata
( seharusnya aduk pakai tangan .. saya pakai sendok kayu aduknya)

olesi kertas roti dgn mentega, ,
tuang adonan kedalamnya masak sekala 1 jam, jika permukaan telah berubah warna kecoklatan ..BALIK!!!!
lalu taburkan sisa kelapa diatasnya dan panggang selama 5 menit

Friday, November 25, 2011

Empek _ empek Palembang ala Dee Punto

    • Bahan : ikan mackerel diabil dagingnya (dengan cara di keruk pake garpu, biar sekalian jadi lembut), nah sedapetnya itu ikan coba di taruh di mangkuk tapi jangan di tekan ya, jadi kalo dagingnya ngelebihin makuk ya di ukur setelah mangkuk itu penuh dan di tempatkan di tempat lain, ukur lagi sisanya. Nah sebanyak ikan di dalam makuk itu takaran si tepung tapiokanya juga...jadi ukurannya itu 1:1. Kalo ada filet ikan ya bagus tinggal di cincang aja. Sisihkan.
      Adonan ke 2 : tepung terigu 100gr, di campur dengan 250cc air, kasih garem agak banyak bawang putih yang di press 5 siung, sedikit vetsin (opsional), terus didihkan diatas api sampai mendidih dan mengental seperti lem, angakt dan dinginkan (harus dingin). Kalo sudah dingin campur jadi satu sama adonan ikannya, aduk rata. Udah deh...tinggal di bikin modelnya, kalo mau bikin kapal selam yg meudah , telor ayam di kocok, terus pipihkan adonan mpek2 bikin kaya mangkuk , isi dengan kocokan telur 1/2 dari tingginya tutup rapat. Semua di cemplungin ke air mendidih angkat sampe mpek2 mengapung.

      Kira2 saus cukonya juga butuhresepnya gak Sus??
      Thanks buat invitationnya Sus, ntar kalo ada rejeki gw calling lu ya untuk bermalam di rumah lu...hehehe. Nah lu donk kapan sampe sininya?!

    • Ok kalo gw Sus, gw bikin tuh adonan terigu sama airnya dulu...terus di didinginin dan masuk lemari es dulu, baru bikin adonan si ikannya, jadi begitu adonan ikan jadi masukin deh adonan terigunya..langsung di bentuk dan di rebus.
      Saus cukonya: ini sih semua takaran lu aja yang kira2 ya...karena gw juga sistem kira2 sampe rasanya pas.
      Bahan : gula merah batangan atau brown sugar, asem jawa, bawang putih di geprek aja, rawit di gerus kasar juga, di rebus jadi satu kalo sudah mendidih, saring dari rempah2 (kalo gw sih gak pernah di saring , cuma diambil aja biji2 asemnya), terus didihkan lagi kasih cuka dan ebi bubuk, aduk dan angkat.
      Hidangkan dengan irisan ketimun dan mie (gw pake mie telor kalo ada).
      Udah deh tinggal makan...duuhh..koq jadi pengen makan mpek2 juga nih gw...hahaha, besok cari ikannya aaahhh.
      Met mencoba ya Sus...and have a good sunday.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Pain de Mie (Roti Tawar )


230 ml d'eau (ou jus de pomme ou lait )
2 càc de sel
20 g de margarine fondue
2 càs de sucre
450 g de farine
1 càs de levure sèche


Mélanger tous les ingrédients et pétrir.
J'ai utiliser ma MAP en mode pâte et le résultat est fabuleux !
Laisser lever pendant une heure (si vous utilisez la MAP, cette étape est comprise dans le programme).
Prendre la pâte et lui donner la forme de votre moule (à cake de préférence) et laisser lever a nouveau environ 3/4 d'heure (tout dépend de la température de la pièce, la pâte doit être bien levée et avoir doublée de volume).
Enfourner à 200 degrés pendant 30 minutes. 5 minutes avant la fin de la cuisson, j'ai sorti le pain du moule pour laisser le bas dorer !

 source : http://www.750g.com/fiche_de_cuisine.2.123.16400.htm :


Makes 16 buns
375g bread flour
100g plain flour
35g milk powder
75g caster sugar
3/4 teaspoon salt
1 sachet (7g or 2 1/2 tsp) instant dry yeast
1 egg, lightly beaten
150ml (approx.) lukewarm water, adjust as necessary
40g butter, cubed

Water-Roux Paste
25g (just under 2 tbsp) bread flour
125ml (1/2 cup) water

* Water-Roux is basically 1 part bread flour to 5 parts water.
Mix flour and water in a small saucepan. Cook over low to medium heat, stirring continuously until it reaches 65ºC. It should have thickened to a paste at this stage, that is when you stir you can see the bottom of the pan. Remove from heat, place a cling film over the paste and leave until lukewarm, or room temperature, before using. (Alternatively if you don’t have a thermometer, cook as before until it starts to thicken, then continue to cook for about 1 more minute before removing from heat.) This water roux can be kept in an airtight container after cooling in the refrigerator for 1 day if not used immediately. However DO NOT USE if it turns grey in colour, that means it has gone bad.
Water-roux paste.
For the Bun Dough:
1. Sift bread flour, plain flour, milk powder, caster sugar and salt onto the working surface. Add instant dry yeast and mix well. Form the flour mixture into a well. Add lightly beaten egg and lukewarm water roux and mix in. Gradually add just enough lukewarm water to form into a slightly sticky, soft dough. Knead for 10 minutes until smooth and elastic. During hand kneading, the dough also needs to be thrown onto the working surface once every few minutes between kneading to improve the dough structure. (I usually just pick up the dough to about head-high and throw it down onto the working surface 10 to 20 times every few minutes between kneading.)
2. Knead in butter until incorporated. (In many cookbooks, they mentioned that the dough at this stage should be able to be pulled and stretched into membrane, but it’s hard to achieve with hand kneading. I usually stop kneading when the dough sticks to the work surface and stretches like chewing gum when pulled!) Form the dough into a round ball and let it rise until double in size in a large greased bowl, cover with cling film (should take about 1 hour in warm weather, longer in winter months). Optimum room temperature for this first prove is 28°C with a humidity of 75%. To test if the dough has risen properly, dip a finger into bread or plain flour and poke down into the centre of the dough as far as your finger will go and pull out again – the hole should remain if it is ready. If the dough springs back, then it is not ready, continue to prove further.
3. Punch down, knead briefly and form into a ball shape. Then divide into 16 equal portions. The easiest way is to first divide equally into 4 larger portions first, then divide each of these again into quarters each. Form each into balls and let rest for 10 minutes.
Plain Water-Roux Buns (before final proving)
Plain water-roux buns before final proving..
4. Shape and fill the buns according to recipe. Place all finished buns on a greased baking sheet, lightly cover with cling film, and let rise until double in size (about 1 hour in warm weather, longer in winter months). Optimum room temperature for this final prove is 38°C with a humidity of 85%.
Plain Water-Roux Buns (after final proving)
Plain water-roux buns after final proving (double in size).
5. Bake in preheated 190°C oven for about 12 to 15 minutes, or until golden brown.
Plain Water-Roux Buns
Plain water-roux buns after baking.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Kue Putu

Bahan kue putu

250 gram tepung beras
100 ml air mendidih
2 sdm perasan air daun suji
1/2 sdt pasta daun pandan (jika tidak ada daun perasan daun pandan asli)
1/2 sdt garam
175 gram gula merah, iris tipis
140 gram parutan kelapa, kukus dengan sedikit garam

Cara membuat kue putu bumbung

Kukus tepung beras selama 60 menitan (1 jam) dengan api sedang. Setelah itu angkat, tuang air mendidih, air daun suji, pasta pandan, dan garam. Aduk hingga rata. Setelah itu ayak (saring) adukan tepung beras yang sudah tercampur tadi sehingga tidak menggumpal. Ambil cetakan bambu dengan ukuran lebar 3 cm dan tinggi 7 cm. Jika tidak ada cetakan bambu (bumbung), dapat digunakan cetakan kue dengan ukuran tersebut.
Masukkan hasil ayakan tepung beras tadi kedalam cetakan bumbung sepertiganya. Sedikit ditekan supaya agak padat. Beri 1-2 irisan gula merah, lalu penuhkan kembali dengan ayakan tepung sampai agak padat. Letakan bumbung (cetakan) diatas dandang yang beralaskan sarang dengan lubang-lubang. Lubang-lubang ini merupakan jalan uap untuk mematangkan Kue Putu. Kukus kue putu hingga matang.
Keluarkan dari kukusan, sajikan Kue putu dengan taburan kelapa parut dan ditemani minuman wedang jahe. Cukup untuk 20 pieces kue putu. Selamat mencoba dan Selamat berakhir pekan!

sumber  http://resepnusantara.blogspot.com/2011/04/resep-kue-putu.html


Sumber : Primarasa Indonesia, Kue Tradisional Nusantara
300 ml air
1/2 sdt garam
2 lembar daun pandan
1/2 sdt pewarna hijau
375 gr tepung beras kering
125 gr gula merah, iris tipis
Taburan, campur, kukus hingga matang:
150 gr kelapa setengah tua, kupas kulit ari, parut panjang
1/2 sdt garam
  • didihkan air, garam, daun pandan, pewarna hijau, angkat, biarkan hangat. masukkan tepung beras dalam wadah, tuangi air pandan hangat sedikit sedikit sambil diaduk dengan tangan hingga berbutir butir halus, lakukan sampai air habis.
  • Siapkan saringan kasar, masukkan adonan tepung, gosok gosokkan hingga adonan tepung berbentuk butiran halus, tampung, lakukan hal serupa hingga selesai
  • Ambil cawan ukuran 30 ml, tuang 1/2 sdm adonan tepung, lubangi bagian tengahnya dengan telunjuk, masukkan gula merah, tutup dengan 1/2 sdm adonan tepung beras (jangan di tekan), ratakan.
  • Balikkan cetakan yang berisi adonan ke atas loyang datar beralas daun pisang, angkat cetakannya. Atur jarak antara adonan yang sudah dicetak, jangan berdekatan, lakukan hingga loyang penuh.
  • Kukus dengan api besar 10 menit, angkat, pidahkan ke wadah datar, sajikan selagi panas dengan taburan kelapa.
note dari ine:
- Jika menggunakan bambu sebagai cetakan, masukkan sepotong kecil daun pisang atau pandan, sebagai alas cetakan, isi dengan tepung dan gula sebagaimana step3. step nomor 4 dilewati. letakkan bambu dalam keadaan berdiri persis di atas lubang lubang kukusan (jika lubang besar dan jarang2)
- Dalam rangka back to nature, gunakan daun suji sebagai pewarna, bikin dulu air suji, baru di tambah air dan diukur mencapai 300 ml.

nemu di internet resep dari sini:  http://bankresep.wordpress.com/2007/06/30/kue-putu/

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Cumi Hitam / Sotong

Out of blue, after having lunch with my good buddy, I'm craving for cumi hitam ( my mom called it Sotong item ) and I told her that I want to cook a sotong ( cumi item ) with plenty of green chilli ( I mean really plenty.. I mean like, after done eating,  your mouth feel like on fire.. ), It would be so much fun,  but I need a buddy to eat with me. that what said to her.. but surprisingly she put her up and said.. I'm in Beib.. I love that dish too.. let's do it soon.
So Since we plan to meet today, I specially cook the dish without telling her... just for surprise.. unfortunately she got stuck in the middle of some errand. So, I eat it by myself. and still delicious (ofcourse )

Ingredients :
4 big Fresh Calamari ( if you can ask some body to clean the inside of calamari, ask them to keep the ink stay.because most some people don't like the ink )

4 Shallots 
5 Garlic
15 big green chilli 
10 small green/red chilli 
3 cm Ginger ( peal it and slice thin )
1tsp sugar ( optional )
3 lime leaves 
2 Daun Salam (bay leave optional if you don't have Daun salam )
1tsp Sea Salt
1 branch of lemongrass ( cut it thin slices )
1/4 tsp Pepper 
4 Tbsp Vegetable oil 

How to make it

Slice thin all the ingredients : Onion, Garlic, Chilli,ginger,Lemongrass  put it aside ,

Method : 

1. Wash properly all , the 2 type of chilli ( Red and Green chilli ),Shallot, Garlic, Ginger ( peel the skin of first before slices )  - Slice thin all of them .. put a side

2. Into frying pan,  place  the vegetable oil, when is hot enough fry  all ingredient one at the time starting with  the shallots, garlic, 2 types of chilli,ginger, Lime leave,lemongrass.
Cook about 10 minutes and add the calamary, lower the fire for shimmer for total timing approximately 20 minutes, adding 1/2 glass of water 

3. Add the pepper,sea salt sugar and continue to shimmer until the liquid has evaporated
Remove from heat and put it in the bowl.

4. Serve warm  with warm Rice

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Balado Makarel

Since I have a farmer market next to my house every Saturday morning, I can get fresh fish on that market. I start to make the habit to have Fish day on Saturday. My boys seem waiting for that day. They prefer Fish instead of Meat.Ok.Ok..Of course they eat without the sambal balado in it. that's  balado menu is only for me..

Sambal Balado Makarel Recipe

3 big fish ( Makarel )
1 big lemon ( squize and get the juice out 0
1 tsp sea salt

10 long red chilies (cabai merah keriting)
  5 big shallots
4 cloves garlic
1 red Tomato ( people from padang sometime didn't use the tomato to avoid the reduce of the hot spice from the chilly )
1 tsp sea salt
 Vegetable oil for fry

1. For the Fish.. clean up the inside, cut it in 2, put in the plate , add the lemon juice and sea salt on top of the fish, put a side to marinated about 15-20 minutes.
2.For the Balado sauce ,With a food processor, combine shallot, garlic, red chilies, sea salt, and tomato until smooth but not too fine.
3. Fry the fish and flip it to make the fish cook even. put a side , still using the same oil, fry the sambal, you can continue to stir frying the sambal mixture until you can smell the aroma or the oil start to come out/bubble.
4. Add the fry makarel on the balado sauce pan, mixed well ( about 5 minutes )

Friday, November 11, 2011

Fondant au Chocolate

The best way to eat the Fondant au Chocolat is when it just out from the oven..creamy heaven melted in your mouth in the second you scoop in your mouth.

Fondant au Chocolate

Makes 12 muffin-size
You need:

  • 180 gr unsalted butter
  • 150 g Dark Chocolate
  • 75 g Castor Sugar
  • 45 g flour
  • A pinch of sea salt
  • 6 large egg  ( use only 3 whole eggs and 3 egg yolks 
  • 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract ( optional ..sometime I use but most of the time I'm not using it)
  • Preheat the oven to 180 C and have 8 muffin molds ready (You can also place paper cases inside muffin molds or if you have silicon muffin mold, you can place the chocolate dough right away no need the paper case ); set aside.
  • In a small pot, melt the butter + Chocolate in microwave about 2 minutes ( until the chocolate melted) Let cool slightly.
  • In the bowl of combine the eggs,sugar, salt . Mixed them well until the dough smooth.
  • Pour the butter+ Chocolate inside 
  • Add the flour batter Mixed about 5 minutes
  • Cover the dough and place in the refrigerateur about 1-2 hr before cook.    
  • Bake for 10 minutes, or until the blade of a sharp knife comes out dry when inserted in the middle. Let cool and dust with confectioner’s sugar, if you like, when serving.

Saturday, November 5, 2011


It was hard to find a good simple brioche.
I've been searching the recipes of brioche from everywhere but only this simple one can fulfill my satisfaction... I got it from book of Francoise Bernard recipe book that I already translate.

1/4 Kg (250grams ) flour
100 Grams  of dry raisin
100 grams of Butter (put 3-4 hr outside of fridge /room temperature before use )
2 medium Eggs
3 Tbsp of Sugar
1tsp salt
1/2 glass of warm milk
1 sachet/packets of active dry yeast (each packet s is 5.5gr ) (french yeast = levure boulanger )

* In big bowl, put Flour, sugar and dry yeast, mixed well with wooden spoon.
* Prepare a mixer electric , with a dough hook attachment, add the eggs and salt  in the big bowl of flour and dry yeast. Mix until blended. Add gently the warm milk while the mixer keep on until the dough become incorporated ( elastic ).
*Take dough out of mixer bowl,Cover it with kitchen cloth/plastic wrap  ( about 3-4 hr ) until the dough doubles in size/raise.
* Take dough out place it in the flat surface so you can working on the dough.
* in the table cover with flour, Punch the air out of the raise dough, Roll braided gently  ( add some more flour to avoid the sticky in your hand), add the raisin  and cut into 3 equal parts, form into a ball , place it in the bake pan and let sit in a cool place until doubles in size ( I would just leave it all night )

* In the morning prepare the oven 180C

Put the dough in the oven about 30 minute, when is cook let the bread cool off ( about 10 - 20 minute ) before you can eat..

Bon Appetit

Cara buat in Bahasa

* Dalam mangkuk besar :
* Masukkan Tepung, Yeast & gula.. aduk rata dgn sendok kayu
* Masukkan Telur lalu mulai aduk dgn mixer electric dengan spatula special yang untuk buat bread.
* Lalu masukkan secara perlahan-lahan susu hangat kedalam mangkuk sambil terus di aduk hingga adonan elastis...
* Tutup adonan dengan kitchen towel ( serbet ) Diamkan selama 3-4 jam hingga adonan mengembang ( kalau saya, dibiarkan semalamam )
* Setelah adonan mengembang, tekan2 adonan hingga mengempis. supaya tangan tidak lengket, taburi adonan dgn tepung ( jgn ragu untuk menambah tepung kedalam adonan )
* Setelah adonan selesai di uleni.. bagi adonan menjadi 3 bulatan, masukkan ke tiganya ke dalam loyang kotak.. Tutup lagi sekitar 2-3 jam ( Hingga adonan mengembang memenuhi loyang )
* turn the oven 180C
* setelah oven sudah mencapai 180C masukkan adonan kedalamnya * masak selama 30 menit
* Setelah masak, keluarkan & biarkan bread dingin sebelum di hidangkan ( sekitar 20 menit ).

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Bubur Ketan Item

This is the first time I try this childhood dish of mine. On some recipe the rice glutant should be prepare 6 hr before you cook it. But I just did right away without any preparation and.. Working just fine.

How to Make it is pretty easy..

2 cup of rice measurement black glutinous rice ( some people do  4 to 5 hours soaked before process or overnight  but Me)
1 Pandan leaves, torn and tie a knot
1 Liter   water, more cups if required
½ cup palm sugar ( gula merah ), shaved-- I use  mixed brown sugar (substitute ) and regular custor sugar
1 cans of thick coconut milk
Sea salt to taste 
How to make coconut sauce

Place the coconut milk in a pot, add 3 pandan leaves *torn and tie a knot.
Cook over medium heats, stir continuously, seasons with salt.
When its almost bubble, remove from the heats and let it cool.
Transfers into a jar, keep refrigerated

Method : 

1. Wash properly and rinse black glutinous rice well under running water, Drain. 
at some recipe they said to soak the black glutinous rice 4-5 hr or  overnight, ( I just wash the black glutinous rice and cook right away )

2. Into deep pot place 1ltr of water and pandan leaves , 
add  black glutinous rice.
boil over high heat and lower the fire for shimmer for total timing approximately 30 minutes, adding more water if required ( I cook almost to 1 hr and add some more water if required )

3. Add the sugar and continue to shimmer until most liquid has evaporated 
or a slight thicken for another 10-15 minutes, season with sea salt ( Pinch )
Remove from heat and allow to cool.

4. Serve warm  with coconut sauce

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The Thing about Autumn... Fresh air

In this occasion I'd like to thank  Dian Degen from Swing your cooking spoon! for giving me this Heart Locket Award. And now I have to find 7 wonderful blogs to pass this award to them. If you receive this award, please read the rules carefully:
  1. If you get this award, pass it on to other 7 blogs
  2. Put in the award picture in your post
  3. Don't pass the award back to the award giver
  4. Answer the questions below and post them in your blog:
1. What make you feel great about yourself?
2. Who inspires you most?

My answers:
1. I feel great about myself because I'm Surrounded by great family and friends. Is Not easy to be someone who talk straight forward like me, could hurt people by accidently  but if they are really truly friend of me, they will accept the way I am. I except if someone reminds me and talk frankly If I've made a mistake/hurt them, that's teach me for not make the same mistake again in future and that's also make the friendship stay.
2. Living abroad is not easy at all, but if you can blend and enjoy it, you will find the beauty of living abroad.  My hubby is the one who inspired me the most. but I got a few  good friend in the other side of the world who inspired me too ..I'm glad to have them as a friends.

And the Award that's inspired me, goes to 7 Wonderful blog  :

  1. La tartine Gourmande at La Tartine Gourmande 
  2. Ira from  Cooking Tackle
  3. Arfi at Homemades
  4. Peppy atIndonesian Eats
  5. Rita at Mochacocolaterita 
  6. Ipoek at Dapur Ipoek
  7. mommy nya nisa at Rumah manis

Heart Locked Blog Award

The Autumn season is always make me lazy. I'm not sure that is because the soft fresh weather of Autumn or it just me who just like cuddling with my soft cozy blanket in my bed.  Well, forget about the cozy blanket, since my boys still have  one more holiday, I still have to cook. This time I choose Beef stew nutmeg or they called Semur Sapi in Indonesia. This dish usually for kids meal. I often find this menu on my childhood menu. Yep, My mom love to cook this dish for her kids. Since I live abroad, I like to introduce Indonesian dish to my kids, sometime they like it, sometime they don't but at least they try to taste many kind of meal so when they are visiting my parents they will not get food shock. For this dish, I modify a bit just because of the rich flavor of semur sometime can't digest kids taste.
so here is the menu for Autumn : 

Semur Daging Sapi 
Beef Stew Nutmeg

Semur Daging Sapi


350 g beef (I used veal )
5 pcs Indonesian bay leaves (salam leaves)
1 tbsp vegetable oil
3 shallots, chopped
7 clove garlic, chopped
1/2 tsp  freshly grated nutmeg
7 pcs of cloves ( mostly I didn't use due to kids doesn't really like the taste of cloves! )
4 cm ginger
1 tomato ( peeled the skin, cut it and blend with all the ingredients )
1 sachet coconut powder ( sometime I use, sometime not, depend on the stock )
4 Tbsp Indonesian sweet soy sauce (I use kecap cap Bango, the sweetness are perfect but if you can't find other sweet soy sauce is fine too )
2 medium size potatoes , peeled and cut 2 cm cubed
ground white pepper to taste
fried shallots and other green stuff to garnish
Salt, Pepper as desired

1. In a frying pan, fry  potatoes, put a side
2. Still using the remaining oil, fry all the blend ingredients (the shallots,Garlic, Tomato, ginger)  add salam leaves.
3. Bring the meat inside, cook for approximately 25 minutes.
4. Add the rest of the ingredients Including the potatoes , reduce heat  and cover the pan about 1.5  hours or until the meat is cooked and very tender.
5. Garnish with fried shallots or green onion.
6. eat with hot rice and sambal mentah...

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Velouté de Cepes


1 or 2 big Cepe Mushroom
100gr Chataigne ( walnut )
40 gr butter
2 tbsp olive oil
20 gr of ground veal
1 stalks of cellery ( cut/ cop in small piece )
1 stalks of Poireau  ( leek ) ( Cut in small piece )
1 Onion
1 Garlic
1 boulion
650ml water 
20 cl créam fraíche

Direction :
Clean Up the Mushroom 'Cepe ' by peel the skin & cut the dirty edge /part. cut in small pieces.
Fried Onion, Cellery with olive oil about 4-5 minute, add  garlic, ground veal ( about 2 minute )
Add Cepe, Poireau & Butter.
Add the Bouillon  & Watter
Add  Salt & Pepper
Cook about 1hr in low fire.
Add the cream fraiche    cook another 10 minute
Blend all the ingredient in the pant till smooth.
Serve while still hot.

Bon Appetit

Autumn in France

The thing I love the most in autumn season is the changing color of three and the comfortable weather  before the cold season come.