Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Cassoulet sans Facon [Casoulet de Canard ]

I love French Cuisine because everything just as simple as it gets. You just need 15- 20 minute the preparation after that.. leave it alone 'til  cook or tender.
I use Iron pan ( as tipical french cuisiner always did for long slow cook )

Pour 6 personnes ;

500 gr Haricot Blanc ( I used the White Bean Canned it's easy so you don't hv to do the preparation  before )
50 gr Saindouc ( Duck Fat,  I didn't use )
1 kg  Cuisse de Canard (4 pcs of leg duck )
500 gr d'epoule d'agnew ( young lamb )
500 gr de veau ( on the original receipe usually they put collier du porc )
200 gr de lard de poitrine sale ( I didn't use it )
4 Oignons ( I put only 2 pcs of Onion)
2 gousses d'ail ( 2 garlic)
Bouquet garni ( Thyme, Persil, Oregano, laurie/bay leaf .==>  I use those bouquet from my garden )
2 ou 3 Tomates ( 3 Peeled tomates )
1 saucisson a l'ail ( I didn't use )
250 gr de couenne ( I didn't use )
Capelure ( I forgot to put it)
Sel, Poivre
2 cubes du Bouillon ( I add this for my own creation it's come out pretty delish)

Mettez les haricots dans un grand fait -tout. Recouvrez-les d'eau froide non salee. Portez a ebullition. Laisses bouillir 15 minute ( 5 minute a l'autocuiseur )
Egouttz. Remetteez -les dans le meme recipient. Emplisses d'eau bouillante. Couvrez et laissez cuire 45 min. ( 15 min a l'autocuiseur ). Salez a mi-cuisson, (this is what I called preparation of the haricot blanc...too long!!)
Faitez dorer tout les viandes.
Hachez les oignons et l'ail.
Ajoutez-les aux viandes ainsi que les tomates epluchees et epepinees. La counne coupee en des. le bouquet garni,poivre, un peu de sel
Egouttez bien les Haricots, Remettez-les dans la cocotte avec les viandes et tout leurs ingredients. Le saucisson a l'ail et le lard de poitrine coupes. Laisses mijoter ensemble 1h30 environ ( 30 minute a l'autocuiseur )
Versez le tout dans un plat a gratin. Soupoudrez de chapelure. Faites gratiner sous le gril.

English Version :0
  • Instead of doing the long way preparation of White bean, I suggested to use White Bean Canned. easy & simple.
  • In a Iron Cast ( french heavy pan ), put olive oil, brownies all the Meat one by one ( The lamb, veal, Duck/Chicken ) remove from the pan. Keep them on the side..
  • Still use the oil from frying the meat,  add onion & garlic ( Already  chopped/slice in thin slice) , mix together the meat, White Bean, peel tomatoes (chopped ), all the herbs, Salt, Pepper & bouillon ( beef broth ).
  • Cook for 1 hour 30 Minutes in low fire with water on top of the iron cast
  • Preheat the oven at 350 F.
  • 10 min before the end of the cooking time,
  • Add the bread crumb on top of the dish ( you can put the iron cast in the oven)
  • Place the dish ( Iron Cast ) in the Oven with Grilled  about 10 minute or until the crumb turn dark brownies )

Translate in Bahasa Indonesia
Panaskan minyak lalu goreng semua bahan daging hingga agak kecoklatan hingga rata ( sekitar 5-10 menit )

Angkat semua daging lalu masukkan irisan kedua bawang ( kalau saya, karena ada yg tidak suka dgn bawang kasar,  bawangnya saya blender halus ) setelah bawang harum, masukkan kembali semua daging berikut white bean , tomat tanpa kulit yg sudah di potong kecil2, daun2an, garam , lada & Buillon de boeuf. Tutup panci & masak dgn api kecil selama 1jam 30  menit.
Angkat dari Kompor, taburi bread crumb diatasnya & masukkan dalam Oven dgn posisi Grilled ( saya tidak melakukan step terakhir )

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