Friday, September 3, 2010


Every Christmas , pineapple cookies aka nastar are one of  our family favorite cookies for Christmas celebration in Indonesia. Also because we mostly had an open house for Christmas, we used to make lots of these cookies. Even though I live far away, I try as much as I could to keep the tradition going. Even though  my little family here doesn't really like it much but at least I can make them for my friends .

 So, If you are interested to try to make it. try this easy recipe.

Ingredients :
500 g Margarine ( you can replace with Butter)
650 g Tepung terigu
150 g Gula
1/2 sdt baking powder
1/2 sdt garam
2 kuning telur untuk lapisan atas

Bahan Isi :
1 Nanas, kupas, parut & masak dgn gula hingga air larut. Dinginkan.. sisihkan sejenak hingga di pergunakan sbg isi Nastar.

Cara buat :

Lelehkan mentega, aduk  dgn gula, lalu masukkan tepung terigu yg sudah dicampur dgn baking powder.
Gunakan mixer Pengocok  untuk membuat roti.
Setelah tercampur rata.. diamkan sejenak / tutup dgn kain ..
Silahkan membentuk nastar sesuai dgn keinginan.
Nyalakan Oven 180C, Panggang selama 13 menit atau hingga kecoklatan

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