for most of American people (that I knew), they wouldn't dare to eat this kind of dish one of the reason is because they always think first how unfriendly / inhuman they treat the duck to get the big liver.. for myself, thank you very much, I don't want to know the detail..I just want to enjoy the delicious dish in front of me.
- 600g duck liver
- 2 figue , cut in two
- pinch of Salt
- pinch of Pepper
- 2 Tbsp Porto
Duck liver ( Foie Gras )
this dish always makes Christmas or any celebration complete, I always try to make my own with my mother in law recipe.
Preparation and cooking times

Plus setting

- Cut away and discard any large sinews from the livers, then set the livers aside.
- Cut the figue in 2,
- Season the livers generously, then tip the contents of the terinne and blitz until smooth. Push the mixture through a fine sieve into a bowl, taste for seasoning, then tip into a serving dish, banging the dish down on the tabletop to smooth out the surface. Place in the fridge cover it ( leave in the fridge around 2 hours )
- Reheat the oven 150C and place the terinne foei gras in bain marie ( water bath ) about 1 hour
- Remove from the oven and cool off before you keep for in the fridge.
Make ahead
You can make the foei gras up to 4 days ahead, making sure it's properly covered with cover. It can also be frozen for a month, but start defrosting it in the fridge 2 days before serving.
Confiture D'Oignon
Pour 6 personne(s)- 2 Oignons rouges + 2 oignons jaunes émincés ( 2 Red Onion And White Onion )
- 30 g de beurre ( 30 gr Butter )
- 150 g de sucre semoule ( 150gr sugar )
- 1 cuil. à café de vinaigre balsamique ( 1 tsp balsamique Vinegar oil)
- 4 cl de grenadine ( 4tsp grenadine syrop )
- 1 cuil. à café de piment d'espelette ( 1 tsp ground hot chilly )
- Vin rouge, un côte de Blaye ou un Bergerac rouge ( red wine )
- Salt
Optional : 2 Apple , blend it.
* after that add sugar, vinegar, grenadine, salt and ground chilly, pour the red wine on top of the Onions. leave it cook for 1h30 minute with medium fire. (Puis ajouter le sucre, le vinaigre, la grenadine, sel et piment, verser le vin rouge à hauteur des oignons, et laisser réduire pendant 1h30 à feu moyen.)
* as an optional you can add the puree apple during the slow cook.
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